AI 원천기술연구 | 서울대학교AI연구원(AIIS)


AI 원천기술연구

서울대학교 AI연구원은 AI의 난제를 해결할 수 있는 세계 최고 수준의 AI 원천기술 인력을
대규모로 보유하고 있는 국내 최대의 AI 연구기관입니다.

인간-AI 상호작용 (Human-AI Interaction)

AI를 인간에게 이롭게 사용할 수 있는 방법을 연구합니다.
인간이 신뢰할 수 있는 AI를 개발하기 위해 편향성과 투명성을 측정하고 사람과 AI를 혼합한 시스템을 개발합니다.

최승주사회과학대학 경제학부

  • 연구실/전공분야행동경제학
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Human-AI Interaction, AI Law & Ethics
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Humanities/Social Sciences, Finance


The Role of Education Interventions in Improving Economic Rationality (with Hyuncheol Bryant Kim, Booyuel Kim, and Cristian Pop-Eleches). Science, 362(6410), 83-86. 2018.
Who Is (More) Rational? (with Shachar Kariv, Wieland Müller and Dan Silverman). American Economic Review, 105(6), 1518-1550. 2014.
Consistency and Heterogeneity of Individual Behavior under Uncertainty (with Raymond Fisman, Douglas Gale and Shachar Kariv). American Economic Review, 97(5), 1921-1938. 2007.
Trading in Networks: Theory and Experiment (with Andrea Galeotti and Sanjeev Goyal). Journal of the European Economic Association, 15(4), 784-817. 2017.
Estimating Ambiguity Aversion in a Portfolio Choice Experiment (with David Ahn, Douglas Gale, and Shachar Kariv). Quantitative Economics, 5(2), 195-223. 2014.

송욱사범대학 체육교육과

  • 연구실/전공분야운동생리학
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Robotics & Action, Human-AI Interaction, Sport Science /Sport Medicine 과 AI와 접목되는 분야
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Bio, Medicine, Sport Science /Sport Medicine 과 AI와 접목되는 분야


정현훈의과대학 산부인과학교실

  • 연구실/전공분야산부인과
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)AI Platform, Human-AI Interaction
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Medicine


오성주사회과학대학 심리학과

  • 연구실/전공분야심리학과 지각 실험실
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Learning & Reasoning, Vision & Perception, Robotics & Action, Human-AI Interaction
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Bio, Arts, Humanities/Social Sciences, Brain


Kwon, D., & Oh, S. (2019). The number of letters in number words influences the response time in numerical comparison tasks: Evidence using Korean number words. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 81(8), 2612-2618.
Ryu, D., & Oh, S. (2018). The effect of good continuation on the contact order judgment of causal events. Journal of Vision, 18(11), 5-5.
Lee, H., & Oh, S. (2016). How directional change in reading/writing habits relates to directional change in displayed pictures. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition, 21(1), 1-11.
Oh, S. (2013). Eyes can switch finger stroke. Perception, 42(6), 681–684.
Oh S. (2011). The eyeglass reversal. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 73, 1336-1343.
Baby mind: 아기 모사형 인공지능 개발
서울대학교 얼굴 데이터베이스 구축
미술감상에서 감상자 자세

박기완경영대학 경영학과

  • 연구실/전공분야Strategic Brand Management, Consumer Behavior, Consumer Insight
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Learning & Reasoning, Human-AI Interaction, Data Intelligence
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Arts, Humanities/Social Sciences, Commerce


Kim, Hakkyun, Kyoungmi Lee, and Kiwan Park (2015), “Balancing Out Feelings of Risk by Playing It Safe: The Effect of Social Networking on Subsequent Risk Judgment,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 131(November), 121-131.
Kim, Hakkyun, Kiwan Park, and Norbert Schwarz (2010), “Will This Trip Really Be Exciting? The Role of Incidental Emotions in Product Evaluation,” Journal of Consumer Research, 36 (April), 983-991.
Priester, Joseph R., Richard E. Petty, and Kiwan Park (2007), “Whence Univalent Ambivalence? From the Anticipation of Conflicting Reactions,” Journal of Consumer Research, 34(June), 11-21.
4차산업 혁명 시대의 서비스 사용 촉진 및 저해 요인에 대한 분석, 한국연구재단 중견연자지원(2019S1A5A2A01050564), 2019.07-2022.06, 연구책임자

천현득자연과학대학 과학학과

  • 연구실/전공분야인공지능 ELSI 연구센터
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)AI Law & Ethics,Learning & Reasoning,Human-AI Interaction
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Humanities/Social Sciences


- E. Machery, C. Y. Olivola, H. Cheon, I. T. Kurniawan, C. Mauro, N. Struchiner, and H. Susianto, (Forthcoming.) “Is Identity Essentialism a Fundamental Feature of Human Cognition?” Cognitive Science.
- 이한슬, 천현득 (2023). 「알고리듬 투명성을 이해하기」, 『과학철학』 26(1): 31-58.
- Cheon, H. (2022). "A new direction for global epistemology", Metascience 31(2), 195-198
- 이한슬, 천현득 (2021). 「인공지능 윤리에서 해명가능성 원리」, 『인문학연구』 35집: 37-63.
- 천현득 (2020). 「지각의 인지적 침투와 관찰의 이론적재성」, 『과학철학』 23(1): 75-107.
- 천현득 (2019). 「인공 반려의 유혹: 인공물과의 교감을 생각한다」, 『과학철학』 22(2): 27-52.
- 천현득 (2019). 「인공지능의 존재론: 이미 도래했으나 아직 실현되지 않은 존재를 사유하기」, 『쓺-문학의 이름으로』 8집: 7-25.
- 천현득 (2019). 「"킬러 로봇"을 넘어: 자율적 군사로봇의 윤리적 문제들」, Trans-Humanities 12(2): 5-31.
- 천현득 (2017). 「인공 지능에서 인공 감정으로: 감정을 가진 기계는 실현가능한가?」, 『철학』 131: 217-243.
- Cheon, H. and E. Machery, (2016). “Scientific Concepts”, Oxford Handbook for the Philosophy of Science (ed. by Paul Humphreys)
  • 연구실/전공분야인간중심 소프트 로봇 기술 연구센터
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Robotics & Action, Human-AI Interaction
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Medicine, Manufacturing, Wearable Robotics


Daekyum Kim, Brian Byunghyun Kang, Kyu Bum Kim, Hyungmin Choi, Jeesoo Ha, Kyu-Jin Cho, Sungho Jo, "Eyes are faster than hands: A soft wearable robot learns user intention from the egocentric view," Science Robotics, 4, eaav2949, 2019
Brian Byunghyun Kang, Daekyum Kim, Hyungmin Choi, Useok Jeong, Kyu Bum Kim, Sungho Jo, and Kyu-Jin Cho, "Learning-Based Fingertip Force Estimation for Soft Wearable Hand Robot With Tendon-Sheath Mechanism," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2020.
인간중심 소프트 로봇 연구센터(ERC) 연구재단, 2016~ 2022

서종모공과대학 전기정보공학부

  • 연구실/전공분야전기-의학 융합연구실
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Learning & Reasoning, Vision & Perception, Robotics & Action, Human-AI Interaction, Data Intelligence, AI Law & Ethics, Autonomous Driving
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Bio, Brain, Medicine


박진수경영대학 경영학과

  • 연구실/전공분야Intelligent Data Semantics Lab
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Language & Cognition, Human-AI Interaction, Data Intelligence
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Finance, Commerce, Manufacturing


“Semantic Conflict Resolution Ontology (SCROL): An Ontology for Detecting and Resolving Data and Schema-Level Semantic Conflicts,” (with S. Ram), IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 2. February 2004, pp. 189-202.
“A Novel Approach to Managing the Dynamic Nature of Semantic Relatedness,” (with Y. Choi, and J. Oh), Journal of Database Management, Vol. 27, No. 2, April-June 2016, pp. 1-26. (doi: 10.4018/JDM.2016040101)
“Predicting Movie Success with Machine Learning Techniques: Ways to Improve Accuracy,” (with K. Lee, I. Kim, and Y. Choi), Information Systems Frontiers, Vol. 20, Number 3, June 2018, pp. 577-588. (doi: 10.1007/s10796-016-9689-z) Online-first version on August 2016, pp. 1-12.
“Identifying Semantically Similar Questions in Social Q&A Communities,” (with B. Kim), in Proceedings of the 27th Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS 2017), Seoul, Korea, December 14-15, 2017.
“A Link-based Ranking Algorithm for Semantic Web Resources: A Class-oriented Approach Independent of Link Direction,” (with H. Park and S. Rho), Journal of Database Management, Vol. 22, No. 1, January-March 2011, pp. 1-25.

정의철미술대학 디자인학부

  • 연구실/전공분야인간중심통합디자인연구실
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Learning & Reasoning, Human-AI Interaction, Autonomous Driving
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Arts, Design


강재승의과대학 해부학교실

  • 연구실/전공분야세포및분자생물학
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Human-AI Interaction
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Brain, Medicine, Pharma


이영기공과대학 컴퓨터공학부

  • 연구실/전공분야인간 중심 컴퓨터 시스템 연구실
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)AI Platform, Human-AI Interaction
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Humanities/Social Sciences, Commerce, Healthcare, Education


서진욱공과대학 컴퓨터공학부

  • 연구실/전공분야휴먼-컴퓨터 인터액션 연구실
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Vision & Perception, Human-AI Interaction, Data Intelligence
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Humanities/Social Sciences, Medicine, Manufacturing


Jaemin Jo and Jinwook Seo, "Disentangled Representation of Data Distributions in Scatterplots," 2019 IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2019, pp. 136-140.
Daekyoung Jung, Wonjae Kim, Hyunjoo Song, Jeong-in Hwang, Bongshin Lee, Bohyoung Kim, and Jinwook Seo, ChartSense: Interactive Data Extraction from Chart Images, In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '17), pp. 6706-6717, 2017.

박순애행정대학원 행정학과

  • 연구실/전공분야성과관리, 위험관리, 환경정책, 정책평가
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Human-AI Interaction, Data Intelligence, AI Security
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Humanities/Social Sciences, Finance, Energy


Public Choice in Transit Organization and Finance: The Structure of Support. Transportation Research Record (SCI) 1669:87-95.
Regional Model of EKC for Air Pollution: Evidence from the Republic of Korea. Energy Policy (SSCI). 39, 2011
The Environmental Effects of the CNG Bus Program on Metropolitan Air Quality in Korea, The Annals of Regional Science (SSCI). 49 (1) 2012
Imperfect Information and Labor Market Bias against Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: A Korean Case, Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal (SSCI). 2014. 10
Public Management in Korea: Performance Evaluation and Public Institutions (Ed). Routledge, 2018

나종연생활과학대학 소비자학과

  • 연구실/전공분야Consumer Information & Retailing Lab.
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Human-AI Interaction, Data Intelligence, AI Law & Ethics
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Humanities/Social Sciences, Commerce


"Personalization-privacy paradox and consumer conflict with the use of location based commerce", Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 453-462
"Consumer ambivalence towards personlized technology and intention to use mobile commerce: The moderating role of gender", International Journal of Electrononic Commerce Studies, 8(2), 158-179
"온라인트래킹에 대한 소비자 인식과 정책적 시사점",  소비자학연구,  29(2), 171-198
온라인 환경에서 아동에 특화된 개인정보보호 연구, 한국인터넷진흥원, 2019.7-12.
패션이미지의 속성 분석을 통한 Fad Detection,  민간과제, 2019.

이은주사회과학대학 언론정보학과

  • 연구실/전공분야Computer-Mediated Communication
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Human-AI Interaction
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Humanities/Social Sciences, Media + AI


Lee, E.-J. (2010). What triggers social responses to flattering computers? Tests of anthropomorphism and mindlessness explanations. Communication Research, 37, 191-214.
Lee, E.-J. (2010). The more humanlike, the better? How speech type and users’ cognitive style affect social responses to computers. Computers in Human Behavior, 26, 665-672.
Lee, E.-J. (2009). I like you, but I won’t listen to you: Effects of rationality on affective and behavioral responses to computers that flatter. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 67, 628-638.
Lee, E.-J. (2008). Gender stereotyping of computers: Resource depletion or reduced attention? Journal of Communication, 58, 301-320.

윤명환공과대학 산업공학과

  • 연구실/전공분야휴먼 인터페이스 시스템 연구실
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Human-AI Interaction, Data Intelligence, Autonomous Driving, User Interface User Experience
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Humanities/Social Sciences, Human Factors Cognitive Engineering


A Systematic Review of a Virtual Reality System from the Perspective of User Experience Yong Min Kim, Ilsun Rhiu, Myung Hwan Yun 2019
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 1-18
Mining affective experience for a kansei design study on a recliner Wonjoon Kim, Taehoon Ko, Ilsun Rhiu, Myung Hwan Yun
2019/1/1 Applied ergonomics 74 145-153
Queueing Network Based Driver Model for Varying Levels of Information Processing
Ye Lim Rhie, Ji Hyoun Lim, Myung Hwan Yun 2018/10/31 IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 49 6 508-517
Classification of children’s sitting postures using machine learning algorithms Yong Min Kim, Youngdoo Son, Wonjoon Kim, Byungki Jin, Myung Hwan Yun
2018/8 Applied Sciences 8 8 1280
Exploring User Experience of Smartphones in Social Media: A Mixed-Method Analysis
Ilsun Rhiu, Myung Hwan Yun 2018/5/14
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction
AI 를 이용한 스마트 체어 시스템. 산업부/DBK 2017-2019

이유리생활과학대학 의류학과

  • 연구실/전공분야패션 머천다이징 랩
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Learning & Reasoning, Human-AI Interaction, Data Intelligence
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Humanities/Social Sciences


김현섭인문대학 철학과

  • 연구실/전공분야윤리학, 정치철학, 법철학
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Human-AI Interaction, AI Law & Ethics, Autonomous Driving
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Humanities/Social Sciences


기술적, 의학적, 윤리적, 법적 관점에서 바라본 인공지능의 책임성 (교육부, 2019.7부터 진행중)
자율주행자동차에 대한 융합연구토대마련 (서울대학교, 2016)

신현우의과대학 약리학교실

  • 연구실/전공분야호흡기 약리학 / 비과학 / 수면의학
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Learning & Reasoning, Robotics & Action, Human-AI Interaction
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Bio, Medicine, Pharma


이준환사회과학대학 언론정보학과

  • 연구실/전공분야Human+Computer Interaction+Design Lab
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Learning & Reasoning, Language & Cognition, Human-AI Interaction
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Arts, Humanities/Social Sciences, Media + AI


Soomin Kim, Jinsu Eun, Changhoon Oh, Bongwon Suh & Joonhwan Lee (2020) Bot in the Bunch: Facilitating Group Chat Discussion by Improving Efficiency and Participation with a Chatbot. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Paper 654, 1-13.
Dongwhan Kim & Joonhwan Lee (2019) Designing an Algorithm-Driven Text Generation System for Personalized and Interactive News Reading, International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 35:2, 109-122, DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2018.1437864
Soomin Kim, Joonhwan Lee, and Gahgene Gweon (2019) Comparing Data from Chatbot and Web Surveys: Effects of Platform and Conversational Style on Survey Response Quality. In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human ctors in Computing Systems (CHI ’19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Paper 86, 1–12. DOI:
SoHyun Park, Jeewon Choi, Sungwoo Lee, Changhoon Oh, Changdai Kim, Soohyun La, Joonhwan Lee & Bongwon Suh (2019) Designing a Chatbot for a Brief Motivational Interview on Stress Management: Qualitative Case Study, Journal of medical Internet research 21 (4), e12231,
Jieun Wee, Sooyeun Jang, Joonhwan Lee & Woncheol Jang (2017) The influence of depression and personality on social networking, Computers in Human Behavior, 74, 45-52,
로봇 저널리즘 기반의 방송 뉴스 콘텐츠 제작 기술 개발, 과학기술정보통신부, 2017.4.1 ~ 2019.12.31
성범죄 피해자 진술 지원 시스템 연구, 과학정보기술통신부, 2018/08/01 ~ 2020/12/31

박우진공과대학 산업공학과

  • 연구실/전공분야삶향상기술 연구실
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Human-AI Interaction, Autonomous Driving
  • 연구분야(X+AI)User Experience



  • 연구실/전공분야식의학유전체학
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Learning & Reasoning, Language & Cognition, Human-AI Interaction
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Bio, Medicine, Food


인공지능기반 최적파이토슈티컬 도출시스템 및 응용연구실, 기초연구실사업, 과기정통부
아동청소년 비만 예방관리를 위한 BT-IT 융합기반 통합 플랫폼 기술개발, 과기정통부
방송통신 융합기술을 활용한 보육기관 맞춤형 스마트 웰니스 서비스 개발, 과기정통부

이해영의과대학 내과학교실

  • 연구실/전공분야고혈압, 이상지질혈증, 심부전, 심장이식, 당뇨 심혈관병증
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Human-AI Interaction, Data Intelligence
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Bio, Medicine


Artificial intelligence utilized cholesterol profile calculation
Common data modeling

박창민의과대학 영상의학교실

  • 연구실/전공분야방사선인공지능연구실
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Learning & Reasoning, Vision & Perception, Human-AI Interaction
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Medicine


Development and Validation of a Deep Learning-Based Automated Detection Algorithm for Major Thoracic Diseases on Chest Radiographs. JAMA Netw Open. 2 (3), e191095 2019 Mar 1
Development and Validation of Deep Learning-based Automatic Detection Algorithm for Malignant Pulmonary Nodules on Chest Radiographs. Radiology. 290 (1), 218-228 Jan 2019
Development and Validation of a Deep Learning-based Automatic Detection Algorithm for Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis on Chest Radiographs. Clin Infect Dis. 69 (5), 739-747 2019 Aug 16
Deep Learning for Chest Radiograph Diagnosis in the Emergency Department. Radiology. 293 (3), 573-580 Dec 2019
CT-based Deep Learning Model to Differentiate Invasive Pulmonary Adenocarcinomas Appearing as Subsolid Nodules Among Surgical Candidates: Comparison of the Diagnostic Performance With a Size-Based Logistic Model and Radiologists. Eur Radiol. 2020 Feb 13[Online ahead of print]
2017.03.-2020.02. 인공지능 딥러닝 알고리즘을 이용한 폐결절 분류 및 폐암 진단 시스템 개발. 한국연구재단 (미래창조과학부)
2017.11-2019.10.31. 다기관 의료영상 인공지능 연구를 위한 보안 클라우드 플랫폼. 서울시 산학연 협력사업 (서울시)

정천기자연과학대학 뇌인지과학과

  • 연구실/전공분야인간 뇌 기능 연구실
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Vision & Perception, Robotics & Action, Human-AI Interaction
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Bio, Brain, Medicine


Characterization of brain network supporting episodic memory in the absence of one medial temporal lobe.

Jeong W, Lee H, Kim JS, Chung CK.

Hum Brain Mapp. 2019 May;40(7):2188-2199.
Direct Stimulation of Human Hippocampus During Verbal Associative Encoding Enhances Subsequent Memory Recollection.

Jun S, Kim JS, Chung CK.

Front Hum Neurosci. 2019 Feb 5;13:23.
Neural basis of episodic memory in the intermediate term after medial temporal lobe resection.

Jeong W, Lee H, Kim JS, Chung CK.

J Neurosurg. 2018 Oct 26;131(3):790-798.
Postoperative seizure outcome-guided machine learning for interictal electrocorticography in neocortical epilepsy.

Park SC, Chung CK.

J Neurophysiol. 2018 Jun 1;119(6):2265-2275.
Disrupted Resting State Network of Fibromyalgia in Theta frequency.

Choe MK, Lim M, Kim JS, Lee DS, Chung CK.

Sci Rep. 2018 Feb 1;8(1):2064.
감각운동통합 상지 제어 뇌-컴퓨터 인터페이스 개발, 연구재단, 2016-2020
작업기억의 기전, 연구재단, 2018-2020

이중식융합과학기술대학원 지능정보융합학과

  • 연구실/전공분야UX 랩
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Human-AI Interaction, AI Service
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Humanities/Social Sciences


Impact of an electronic health record-integrated personal health record on patient participation in health care: development and randomized controlled trial of MyHealthKeeper. Journal of medical Internet research(2019)
" My Doctor is Keeping an Eye on Me!" Exploring the Clinical Applicability of a Mobile Food Logger.  2016 CHI.
Prescribing 10,000 steps like aspirin: designing a novel interface for data-driven medical consultations. 2017 CHI.
지능형 Agent 감성 Multi-modal UX 연구.  삼성전자. 2019 1년
공간 특화 HE 인공지능 서비스 발굴. LG전자. 2018 1년
T map Voice UX 사용자 조사 및 가이드라인 수립. SK텔레콤. 2017 1년

박세웅공과대학 전기정보공학부

  • 연구실/전공분야네트워크 연구실
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Learning & Reasoning, Robotics & Action, Human-AI Interaction
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Logistics, Manufacturing, Energy


Seowoo Jang, Kang G. Shin, and Saewoong Bahk "Post-CCA and Reinforcement Learning based Bandwidth Adaptation in 802.11ac Networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 419-432, Feb. 2018.
Jeongyoon Heo, Byungjun Kang, Jin Mo Yang, Jeongyeup Paek, and Saewoong Bahk, "Performance-Cost Tradeoff of Using Mobile Roadside Units for V2X Communication," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no. 9, pp. 9049-9059, Sep. 2019.
Hyung-Sin Kim, JeongGil Ko, and Saewoong Bahk, "Smarter Markets for Smarter Life: Applications, Challenges and Deployment Experiences," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 34-41, May. 2017.
Sung-Guk Yoon, Young-June Choi, Jong-Keun Park and Saewoong Bahk, "Stackelberg Game based Demand Response for At-Home Electric Vehicle Charging," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, issue 6, pp. 4172-4184, June 2016.
Jongwook Lee and Saewoong Bahk, "On the MDP-based Cost Minimization for Video-on-Demand Services in a Heterogeneous Wireless Network with Multi-Homed Terminals," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 12, issue. 9, pp. 1737-1749, Sep. 2013
One of Top 100 Research results in 2018 - Disaster Communication Convergence Technology Research (2016.04.01-2017.12.31.) IITP

엄문영사범대학 교육학과

  • 연구실/전공분야교육조직론, 학교개혁, 교사교육, 교육기획 및 재정
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Vision & Perception, Human-AI Interaction, AI Law & Ethics
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Humanities/Social Sciences, Finance


박주연생활과학대학 의류학과

  • 연구실/전공분야웨어러블인간공학
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Vision & Perception, Human-AI Interaction, Data Intelligence
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Medicine, Commerce, Manufacturing


Park, J. (2018). The effect of virtual body checking on self-image discrepancy, body dissatisfaction and weight regulation intention. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 12(1), Advanced Online Publication
Park, J. (2017). Emotional reactions to the 3D virtual body and future willingness: The effects of self-esteem and social physique anxiety. Virtual Reality, 22(1), 1-11.
Park, J., Ogle, J. P., & Shaver, J. (2019). Virtual avatar experience for the intervention of body image concerns.  Proceedings of the Seventy-sixth Annual Conference of the International Textile and Apparel Association, International Textile and Apparel Association. Retrieved from
Park, J, & Langseth-Schmidt, K. (2016). Anthropometric fit evaluation of firefighters’ uniform pants: A sex comparison. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 56, 1-8.
Conroy, B., & Park, J. (2018). Body armor fit and comfort using 3D body scanning: A collaborative industry project. Proceedings of the Seventy-fifth Annual Conference of the International Textile and Apparel Association, International Textile and Apparel Association. Retrieved from
2D 촬영 정보로 인체 체형 분류 및 검증, 중소기업기술정보진흥원, 2019-06-26 ~ 2021-08-25
인간중심 소프트로봇기술 연구센터, 선도연구센터 (기초연구사업),  2020-01-01 ~ 2022-12-31

안창범공과대학 건축학과

  • 연구실/전공분야건설기술연구실
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Human-AI Interaction, Robotics & Action
  • 연구분야(X+AI)건설 + AI


"Lee, H., Lee, G., Lee S., and Ahn, C. R. (2022). “Assessing Exposure to Slip, Trip, and Fall Hazards Based on Abnormal Gait Patterns Predicted from Confidence Interval Estimation: A Field Validation Study.” Automation in Construction, Elsevier.
Lee, B., Ahn, S., and Ahn, C. R. (2022). “Understanding Occupants’ Physical Distancing Behavior for Safer Facility Operation under COVID-19 in the Context of Educational Facilities.” Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE, 38(3), 04022007.
Kim, J., Nirjhar, H. E., Kim, J., Chaspari, T., Ham, Y., Winslow, J. F., Lee, C., and Ahn, C. R. (2022). “Capturing Environmental Distress of Pedestrians using Multimodal Data: the Interplay of Bio-signals and Image-based Data.” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 36(2), 04021039.
Kim, Y., Kim, H., Murphy, R., Lee, S. and Ahn, C. (2022) “Delegation or Collaboration: Understanding Different Construction Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Robotization.” Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE, 38(1), 04021084.
Kim, N., Anderson, B., and Ahn, C. R. (2021). “Reducing Risk Habituation to Struck-by Hazards in a Road Construction Environment Using Virtual Reality Behavioral Intervention.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 147(11), 04021157.
Zanwar, P., Kim, J., Kim, J., Manser, M., Ham, Y., Chaspari, T. and Ahn, C. R. (2021). “Use of Connected Technologies to Assess Barriers and Stressors for Age and Disability-Friendly Communities.” Frontiers in Public Health, 9(80).
Mohan, P., Lee, B., Chaspari, T., & Ahn, C. (2020). Assessment of daily routine uniformity in a smart home environment using hierarchical clustering. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics."

서봉원융합과학기술대학원 지능정보융합학과

  • 연구실/전공분야Human-Centered Computing Laboratory
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Human-AI Interaction, Data Intelligence
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Humanities/Social Sciences, Medicine, Finance


I lead, you help but only with enough details: Understanding user experience of co-creation with artificial intelligence, CHI 2018
Us vs. them: Understanding artificial intelligence technophobia over the google deepmind challenge match, CHI 2017
Enhancing VAEs for collaborative filtering: flexible priors & gating mechanisms, RecSys 2019
Bot in the Bunch: Facilitating Group Chat Discussion by Improving Efficiency and Participation with a Chatbot, CHI 2020
Understanding User Perception of Automated News Generation System, CHI 2002
심전도 데이터를 활용한 부정맥 진단 알고리즘 모델 공동 개발, LG전자, 2019-11-20 ~ 2020-06-30
AI기반 문자인식(OCR) 알고리즘, 교보생명주식회사, 2019-10-21 ~ 2020-03-20
로봇 저널리즘 기반의 방송 뉴스 콘텐츠 제작 기술 개발, 과기정통부, 2017-04-01 ~ 2019-12-31

탁성희간호대학 간호학과

  • 연구실/전공분야성인간호
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Human-AI Interaction
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Aging Care Services and Wellness


Tak, SH. (2018). 4차 산업혁명시대 Gerontological Nursing in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. 노인간호학회지 Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing. 20, S160~165. (doi: 10.17079/jkgn.2018.20.s1.s160)
Bidelman, GM., Lowther, JE., Tak, SH., & Alain, C. (2017). Mild Cognitive Impairment Is Characterized by Deficient Brainstem and Cortical Representations of Speech. Journal of Neuroscience, 37(13), 3610-3620. (doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3700-16.2017)
Tak, S., Zhang, H., Patel, H., & Hong, S. (2015). Computer activities for persons with dementia. The Gerontologist, 55, S40-49. (doi: 10,1093/geront/gnv003)
Tak, S., Zhang, H., & Hong, S. (2015). Preferred computer activities among individuals with dementia: a pilot study. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 41(3), 50-57. March 1st, 2015 (Online advance release at November 7, 2014) (doi:10.3928/00989134-20141029-01)
Tak, S., Kedia, S., Tongumpun, T., Hong, SH. (2015). Activity engagement: perspectives from nursing home residents with dementia. Educational Gerontology, 41(3), 182-192. March 1, 2015 (Online advance release at August 21, 2014.) (doi:10.1080/03601277.2014.937217)
치매문제행동모델을 적용한 홀로그래픽 혼합현실 시뮬레이션 간호교육 모듈 개발과 효과. Development and evaluation of holographic mixed reality-based simulation nursing eudcational program using dementia-compromized behavior model. 이공학개인기초연구지원사업 (2018R1D1A1A02085994). 2018.11.01.~2019.10.31. 한국연구재단(책임연구자)
치매노인을 위한 컴퓨터인지훈련프로그램에 대한 문헌고찰 및 치매고위험노인의 활동프로그램 개발과 평가 Computerized cognitive training in persons with dementia: a systematic review & Effects of an integrated activity program for older adults with low education and mild dementia. 2015.10.01 – 2017.09.30. 서울대학교 신임교수지원사업 & 차세대 신진학자 초빙사업. (연구책임자)
Center for Technologies and Research in Alzheimer’s Care. 2013-2015. FedEx Institute of Technology Innovation Grant, University of Memphis Foundation. USA. (연구책임자 & Director)

이상형의과대학 신경외과학교실

  • 연구실/전공분야뇌종양, 경동맥질환, 퇴행성뇌질환
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Learning & Reasoning, AI Platform, Human-AI Interaction, Data Intelligence
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Brain, Medicine, Pharma
