X+AI | 서울대학교AI연구원(AIIS)

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AIIS (Artificial Intelligence Institute at Seoul National University) is an intercollegiate research institute
committed to integrating and supporting AI-related research. As a hub of AI research both in Core AI
and X+AI areas, researchers of diverse disciplines collaborate through AIIS.


Bahk, Saewoong Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • Research Lab Network Lab.
  • Research Area (Core AI)Learning & Reasoning, Robotics & Action, Human-AI Interaction
  • Research Area (X+AI)Logistics, Manufacturing, Energy


Seowoo Jang, Kang G. Shin, and Saewoong Bahk "Post-CCA and Reinforcement Learning based Bandwidth Adaptation in 802.11ac Networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 419-432, Feb. 2018.
Jeongyoon Heo, Byungjun Kang, Jin Mo Yang, Jeongyeup Paek, and Saewoong Bahk, "Performance-Cost Tradeoff of Using Mobile Roadside Units for V2X Communication," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no. 9, pp. 9049-9059, Sep. 2019.
Hyung-Sin Kim, JeongGil Ko, and Saewoong Bahk, "Smarter Markets for Smarter Life: Applications, Challenges and Deployment Experiences," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 34-41, May. 2017.
Sung-Guk Yoon, Young-June Choi, Jong-Keun Park and Saewoong Bahk, "Stackelberg Game based Demand Response for At-Home Electric Vehicle Charging," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, issue 6, pp. 4172-4184, June 2016.
Jongwook Lee and Saewoong Bahk, "On the MDP-based Cost Minimization for Video-on-Demand Services in a Heterogeneous Wireless Network with Multi-Homed Terminals," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 12, issue. 9, pp. 1737-1749, Sep. 2013
One of Top 100 Research results in 2018 - Disaster Communication Convergence Technology Research (2016.04.01-2017.12.31.) IITP

Lee, Deok-Joo Department of Industrial Engineering

  • Research Lab Engineering Economics Systems Analysis Lab
  • Research Area (Core AI)Data Intelligence
  • Research Area (X+AI)Finance, Commerce, Energy


  • Research Lab Quantum Electronic Nanomaterials and Nanodevices (QuENN) Group
  • Research Area (Core AI)AI Chip
  • Research Area (X+AI)Brain, Energy


Yoon, Sungroh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • Research Lab Data Science and AI Lab (DSAIL)
  • Research Area (Core AI)Learning & Reasoning, Vision & Perception, Language & Cognition, AI Platform, AI Chip, Data Intelligence, AI Security
  • Research Area (X+AI)Bio, Medicine, Pharma, Finance, Manufacturing, Energy


Yoon, Yong Tae Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • Research Lab Electric Power Network Economics Lab
  • Research Area (Core AI)Data Intelligence, Energy AI
  • Research Area (X+AI)Energy


SH Oh, SW Kim, YT Yoon, Real-time Reconfiguration Strategy of Self-adequate Distribution Network based on Deep Reinforcement Learning, CIGRE Symposium 2019, Aalborg, Denmark, 4-7 June 2019.

Lee, Kyungsik Department of Industrial Engineering

  • Research Lab Integer Programming, Robust Optimization, Applications of Optimization in Power, Logistics, Manufacturing, and Service Industries
  • Research Area (Core AI)Integer Optimization
  • Research Area (X+AI)Logistics, Manufacturing, Energy


Park, Soonae Department of Public Administration

  • Research Lab Public Management, Organizational Behavior, Environmental Administration, Policy Evaluation
  • Research Area (Core AI)Human-AI Interaction, Data Intelligence, AI Security
  • Research Area (X+AI)Humanities/Social Sciences, Finance, Energy


Public Choice in Transit Organization and Finance: The Structure of Support. Transportation Research Record (SCI) 1669:87-95.
Regional Model of EKC for Air Pollution: Evidence from the Republic of Korea. Energy Policy (SSCI). 39, 2011
The Environmental Effects of the CNG Bus Program on Metropolitan Air Quality in Korea, The Annals of Regional Science (SSCI). 49 (1) 2012
Imperfect Information and Labor Market Bias against Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: A Korean Case, Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal (SSCI). 2014. 10
Public Management in Korea: Performance Evaluation and Public Institutions (Ed). Routledge, 2018
  • Research Lab Molecular Electronics and Nanostructures Laboratory
  • Research Area (Core AI)Learning & Reasoning, Vision & Perception, AI Chip
  • Research Area (X+AI)Brain, Energy


문태섭 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • Research Lab M.IN.D (Machine INtelligence and Data science) Lab
  • Research Area (Core AI)Learning & Reasoning, Vision & Perception, Data Intelligence, Brain & Mind, AI Law & Ethics
  • Research Area (X+AI)Brain, Bio, Energy


Re-weighting Based Group Fairness Regularization via Classwise Robust Optimization. Sangwon Jung, Taeeon Park, Sanghyuk Chun, and Taesup Moon. The 11th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), May 2023

Descent Steps of a Relation-Aware Energy Produce Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks. Hongjoon Ahn, Youngyi Yang, Quan Gan, David Wipf, and Taesup Moon. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), December 2022

GRIT-VLP: Grouped Mini-batch Sampling for Efficient Vision and Language Pre-training. Jaeseok Byun, Taebaek Hwang, Jianlong Fu, and Taesup Moon. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), October 2022

Learning Fair Classifiers with Partially Annotated Group Labels. Sangwon Jung, Sanghyuk Chun, and Taesup Moon. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2022

SSUL: Semantic Segmentation with Unknown Label for Exemplar-based Class-Incremental Learning. Sungmin Cha, Beomyoung Kim, Youngjoon Yoo, and Taesup Moon. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), December 2021

SS-IL: Separated Softmax for Incremental Learning. Hongjoon Ahn, Jihwan Kwak, Subin Lim, Hyeonsu Bang, Hyojun Kim, and Taesup Moon. International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), October 2021

Fair Feature Distillation for Visual Recognition. Sangwon Jung, Donggyu Lee, Taeeon Park, and Taesup Moon. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2021

FBI-Denoiser: Fast Blind Image Denoiser for Poisson-Gaussian Noise. Jaeseok Byun, Sungmin Cha, and Taesup Moon. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2021

Continual Learning with Node-Importance based Adaptive Group Sparse Regularization. Sangwon Jung, Hongjoon Ahn, Sungmin Cha, and Taesup Moon. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), December 2020

Uncertainty-based continual learning with adaptive regularization. Hongjoon Ahn, Sungmin Cha, Donggyu Lee and Taesup Moon. Proceedings of Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), December 2019

Fooling neural network interpretations via adversarial model manipulation. Juyeon Heo, Sunghwan Joo, and Taesup Moon. Proceedings of Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), December 2019

Choi, Hyunyong Department of Physics and Astronomy

  • Research Lab Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Laboratory
  • Research Area (Core AI)AI Platform
  • Research Area (X+AI)Bio, Energy, Optical system, materials sciences


Nano Letters 19, 7464−7469 (2019)
Nature Nanotechnology 13, 910-914 (2018)
Nature Communications 9, 351 (2018)
Nano Letters 18, 734 (2018)
Nature Communications 7, 13569 (2016)

Jeon, Wha Sook Department of Computer Science and Engineering

  • Research Lab 이동 컴퓨팅 및 통신 연구실
  • Research Area (Core AI)Autonomous Driving
  • Research Area (X+AI)Manufacturing, Energy


"Energy-efficient channel management scheme for cognitive radio sensor networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2011(DOI:  10.1109/TVT.2011.2128355 ).
"Collaborative sensing management for cognitive radio networks with reporting overhead," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2013 (DOI:  10.1109/TWC.2012.12.111813) .
"Performance analysis of neighbor discovery process in Bluetooth Low Energy networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2017(DOI:  10.1109/TVT.2016.2558194).
"A graph-based handover scheduling for heterogeneous vehicular networks," IEEE Access,  2018 (DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2870889).
"Adaptive Uplink Rate Control for Confirmed Class A Transmission in LoRa Networks," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2020 (DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2020.2986494).

임재현 경영학과

  • Research Lab Sustainable Operations Management, Supply Chain and Logistics Management, Data Analytics
  • Research Area (Core AI)Learning & Reasoning, AI Platform, Data Intelligence
  • Research Area (X+AI)Commerce, Energy, Manufacturing, Logistics


Optimal Ratcheting in Executive Compensation. Decision Analysis, accepted. with I. Hwang, Y. Kim.

Got Organic Milk? Joint Inventory Model with Supply Uncertainties and Partial Substitution. Operations Research Letters, 49(5), 2021. with D. Jeon, Z. Peng, Y. Rong.

Why Have Voluntary Time-of-Use Tariffs Fallen Short in the Residential Sector? Production & Operations Management, 29(3), 2020. with D.G. Choi, K. Murali, V. Thomas

Money Well Spent? Operations, Mainstreaming, and Fairness of Fair Trade. Production & Operations Management, 28(12), 2019. with H.Y. Mak, S.J. Park

The Effects of Ecolabels and Environmental Regulation on Green Product Development. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 21(3), 2019. with K. Murali, N.C. Petruzzi

Promoting Clean Technology Products: To Subsidize Products or Service Infrastructure? Service Science, 11(2), 2019. with G. Ma, H.Y. Mak, Z. Wan

Beyond the Speed-Price Tradeoff. MIT Sloan Management Review, 59(4), Summer, 2018. with J. Acimovic, H.Y. Mak

Yu, Jaejun Department of Physics and Astronomy

  • Research Lab Materials with strong electron correlations
  • Research Area (Core AI)Learning & Reasoning, Data Intelligence
  • Research Area (X+AI)Energy, Physics


"Passivated co-doping approach to bandgap narrowing of titanium dioxide with enhanced photocatalytic activity”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 200, 1 (2017)
"Novel J eff= 1/2 Mott state induced by relativistic spin-orbit coupling in Sr2IrO4”, Physical Review Letters 101, 076402 (2008)
"O(N) LDA+U electronic structure calculation method based on the nonorthogonal pseudoatomic orbital basis”, Physical Review B 73, 045110 (2006)
"Magnetic ordering at the edges of graphitic fragments: Magnetic tail interactions between the edge-localized states”, Physical Review B 72, 174431 (2005)
"Electronically Driven Instabilities and Superconductivity in the Layered La2-xMxCuO4 Perovskites", Physical Review Letters 58, 1035 (1987)
"Center for Strongly Correlated Materials Research (SRC)", 한국연구재단, 1999-2008

Heo, Eunnyeong Department of Energy Resources Engineering

  • Research Lab Energy and Resource Economics
  • Research Area (Core AI)AI Law & Ethics, Economic Valuation
  • Research Area (X+AI)Humanities/Social Sciences, Finance, Energy


『우리의 지속가능한 에너지』 (2017) 임현묵 외, 유네스코한국위원회
『리더들이 꼭 알아야 할 에너지기술』 (2015) 차동형 외, 지오북
에너지 클라우드 기술의 가치평가시스템 구축, 한국연구재단 원천기술개발사업, 2019.06~2020.12

Heo, Seongwook Department of Law

  • Research Lab Administrative Law/Environmental Law/Energy Law/Law and Economics/Privacy Law
  • Research Area (Core AI)AI Platform, Data Intelligence, AI Law & Ethics
  • Research Area (X+AI)Arts, Humanities/Social Sciences, Energy


한국에서 빅데이터를 둘러싼 법적 쟁점과 제도적 과제 경제규제와 법 서울대학교 법학연구소 단독  20141
스마트그리드와 개인정보보호 법정책 개인정보보호의 법과 정책 박영사 단독  201405
공법이론과 공공정책 (II) - 공공선택이론 관점에서 본 행정재판의 역할 - 공법연구 한국공법학회 단독  201812

Kim, Jangwoo Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • Research Lab High Performance Computer System Lab
  • Research Area (Core AI)AI Platform, AI Chip
  • Research Area (X+AI)Brain, Medicine, Energy


"FlexLearn: Fast and Highly Efficient Brain Simulations Using Flexible On-Chip Learning", Eunjin Baek, Hunjun Lee, Youngsok Kim, and Jangwoo Kim, ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), Oct 2019
"MnnFast: A Fast and Scalable System Architecture for Memory-Augmented Neural Networks", Hanhwi Jang, Joonsung Kim, Jae-Eon Jo, Jaewon Lee, and Jangwoo Kim, ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), Jun 2019
"Flexon: A Flexible Digital Neuron for Efficient Spiking Neural Network Simulations"
Dayeol Lee, Gwangmu Lee, Dongup Kwon, Sunghwa Lee, Youngsok Kim, and Jangwoo Kim, ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), Jun 2018
"μLayer: Low Latency On-Device Inference Using Cooperative Single-Layer Acceleration and Processor-Friendly Quantization", Youngsok Kim, Joonsung Kim, Dongju Chae, Daehyun Kim, and Jangwoo Kim, ACM European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys), Mar 2019
"FIDR: A Scalable Storage System for Fine-Grain Inline Data Reduction with Efficient Memory Handling", Mohammadamin Ajdari, Wonsik Lee, Pyeongsu Park, Joonsung Kim, and Jangwoo Kim, ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), Oct 2019
인공지능 가상머신: 이종 인공지능의 동시, 고속, 독립 실행을 위한 컴퓨터 구조/삼성미래기술육성사업/2019.6-2022.5
이종 스파이크 뉴런 기반의 인간 두뇌 규모 시뮬레이션을 위한 프로세서 및 시스템 개발/한국연구재단/2017.3-2021.2
대규모 뉴럴 프로세싱을 위한 FPGA 기반의 확장형 시스템 개발/삼성전자/2017.11-2020.10