Adversarially Trained End-to-end Korean Singing Voice Synthesis System (Juheon Lee, Hyeong-Seok Choi, Chang-Bin Jeon, Junghyun Koo, Kyogu Lee) #이교구 교수팀
A Bi-directional Transformer for Musical Chord Recognition (Jonggwon Park, Kyoyun Choi, Sungwook Jeon, Dokyun Kim and Jonghun Park) #박종헌 교수팀
Audio query-based music source separation (Jie Hwan Lee, Hyeong-Seok Choi, Kyogu Lee) #이교구 교수팀
Automatic Choreography Generation with Convolutional Encoder-decoder Network (Juheon Lee, Seohyun Kim, Kyogu Lee) #이교구 교수팀
A Hierarchical Latent Structure for Variational Conversation Modeling (Yookoon Park, Jaemin Cho and Gunhee Kim) #김건희 교수팀
GLAC Net: GLocal attention cascading networks for multi-image cued story generation (Taehyeong Kim, Min-Oh Heo, Seonil Son, Kyoung-Wha Park , Byoung-Tak Zhang) #장병탁 교수팀
Slot Filling with Delexicalized Sentence Generation (Youhyun Shin, Kang Min Yoo, Sang-goo Lee) #이상구 교수팀