겸무교수 3 페이지 | 서울대학교AI연구원(AIIS)


Affiliated Faculty

Colleges / Departments
Research Areas (Core AI)
Research Areas (X+AI)

Jou, Kyung-Chul Department of Western History

  • Research LabModern Western History, Maritime History
  • Research Area (Core AI)
  • Research Area (X+AI)Humanities/Social Sciences


주요 논문
「해적과 밀수: 아시아와 세계가 만나는 다른 길」, 『명청사연구』, 48 (2017), 1-28.
「대서양 세계의 형성과 '서구의 흥기'」, 『역사학보』, 232 (2016), 1-29.
「민중 마술에서 마녀로: 요하네스 니더의 《개미나라》를 중심으로」, 『서양사연구』, 53 (2015), 229-260.
「《말레우스 말레피카룸》의 악마와 마녀, 마술 개념」,  『서양사연구』, 51 (2014), 215-245.
「마녀 개념의 형성 연구: 《캐논 에피스코피》에서 《말레우스 말레피카룸》까지 」, 『서양사연구』, 48 (2013), 149-185.
「예수회의 북아메리카 전도와 문명간 교류: "예수회 보고서(Jesuit Relations)"를 토대로」, 『서양사연구』, 44 (2011), 1-39.
「콜럼버스의 심성 구조와 해로의 개척: 콜럼버스의 1차 항해를 중심으로」, 『대구사학』, 100 (2010), 413-434.
「스탈 부인과 유럽의 발견」, 『역사학연구』, 33 (2009), 293-318.
「다문화주의에서 "문화전쟁으로 - 네덜란드 이주민 통합 문제」, 『이화사학연구』, 35 (2007), 59-82.
「영화와 집단기억의 재구성: 큐브릭의 전쟁영화를 중심으로」, 『인문논총』, 56 (2006), 1-30.
「네덜란드 동인도회사와 아시아 교역: 세계화의 초기 단계」, 『미국학』, 28 (2005), 1-32.
「영화를 위한 변명 ― 역사와 영화의 관계에 대한 탐색」, 『프랑스사연구』, 2 (1999), 129-145.
「프랑스의 고문서보관소 제도」, 『역사비평』, 36 (1997), 100-107.
「근대 초 서구 상인들의 동구 진출 : 동프로이센의 네덜란드 상인을 중심으로」, 『서양사론』, 53 (1997), 37-58.
「17세기 네덜란드의 국제무역상인 : 얀 얀센 코르버(Jan Jansen Corver)과 한스 반 되른(Hans van Deurn)」, 『경제사학』, 17:1 (1993), 105-151.
『18세기 도시 : 교류의 시작과 장소의 역사』, 정병설 외 공저 (파주: 문학동네, 2018).
『그해, 역사가 바뀌다: 세계사에 새겨진 인류의 결정적 변곡점』 (파주: 21세기북스, 2017).
『도시는 기억이다: 공공기념물로 본 서양 도시의 역사와 문화』, 주경철 외 공저 (파주: 서해문집, 2017).
『마녀 : 서구 문명은 왜 마녀를 필요로 했는가』 (서울: 생각의힘, 2016).
『크리스토퍼 콜럼버스, 종말론적 신비주의자』(서울: 서울대학교 출판문화원, 2014).
『근대 유럽의 형성: 16-18세기』, 이영림·주경철·최갑수 공저 (서울: 까치글방, 2011).
『문명과 바다』 (서울: 산처럼, 2009).
『대항해시대: 해상 팽창과 근대 세계의 형성』 (서울: 서울대학교출판부, 2008).
『(신화에서 역사로) 신데렐라 천년의 여행』 (서울: 산처럼, 2005).
『네덜란드: 튤립의 땅, 모든 자유가 당당한 나라』 (서울: 산처럼, 2003).
『테이레시아스의 역사: 서울대 주경철 교수의 역사읽기』 (서울: 산처럼, 2002).
『역사의 기억, 역사의 상상』 (서울: 문학과지성사, 2000).

페르낭 브로델, 『지중해: 펠리페 2세 시대의 지중해 세계』, 주경철 외 공역, 총3권 (서울: 까치글방, 2017).
스티븐 솔로몬, 『물의 세계사: 부와 권력을 향한 인류 문명의 투쟁』, 주경철·안민석 공역 (서울: 민음사).
조이스 애플비, 『가차없는 자본주의: 파괴와 혁신의 역사』, 주경철·안민석 공역 (서울: 까치글방, 2012).
토마스 모어, 『유토피아』 (서울, 을유문화사, 2007).
찰스 P. 킨들버거, 『경제 강대국 흥망사 1500-1990』  (서울: 까치, 2004).
엠마뉘엘 토드, 『제국의 몰락: 미국 체제의 해체와 세계의 재편』 (서울: 까치, 2003).
맛시모 몬타나리, 『유럽의 음식문화』 (서울: 새물결, 2001).
마르크 페로, 『역사와 영화』 (서울: 까치, 1999)
페르낭 브로델, 『물질문명과 자본주의』, 총6권 (서울: 까치, 1995).

Cheon, Jung Hee Department of Mathematical Sciences

  • Research LabHomomorphic Encryption
  • Research Area (Core AI)AI Security, AI Theory
  • Research Area (X+AI)Medicine, Finance, Commerce


Numerical Method for Comparison on Homomorphically Encrypted Numbers, With Dongwoo Kim, Duhyeong Kim, Hunhee Lee and Keewoo Lee, Asiacrypt'19 (Invited to Journal of Cryptology)
Statistical Zeroizing Attack: Cryptanalysis of Candidates of BP Obfuscation over GGH15 Multilinear Map, With Wonhee Cho, Minki Hhan, Jiseung Kim and Changmin Lee, CRYPTO'19
Cryptanalyses of Branching Program Obfuscations over GGH13 Multilinear Map from the NTRU Problem, With Minki Hhan, Jiseung Kim and Changmin Lee, CRYPTO'18

Choi, Murim Department of Medicine

  • Research LabFunctional Genomics lab
  • Research Area (Core AI)
  • Research Area (X+AI)Bio, Medicine



Choi, Se-Young Department of Dentistry

  • Research LabNeural Network Lab
  • Research Area (Core AI)Learning & Reasoning, Vision & Perception
  • Research Area (X+AI)Brain, Medicine


Kang MS, Choi TY, Ryu HG, Lee D, Lee SH, Choi SY*, Kim KT*. Autism-like behavior caused by deletion of vaccinia-related kinase 3 is improved by TrkB stimulation. J Exp Med. 2017 Oct 2;214(10):2947-2966. doi: 10.1084/jem.20160974.
Choi TY, Lee SH, Kim YJ, Bae JR, Lee KM, Jo Y, Kim SJ, Lee AR, Choi S, Choi LM, Bang SH, Song MR, Chung J, Lee KJ, Kim SH, Park CS, Choi SY. Cereblon maintains synaptic and cognitive function by regulating BK channel. J Neurosci. 2018 Apr 4;38(14):3571-3583. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2081-17.2018.
Noh K, Lee H, Choi TY, Joo Y, Kim SJ, Kim H, Kim JY, Jahng JW, Lee S*, Choi SY*, Lee SJ*. Negr1 modulates anxiety- and depression-like behaviors via interaction with the LIF receptor and Lcn-2 expression. Mol Psychiatry. 2019 Aug;24(8):1189-1205. doi: 10.1038/s41380-018-0347-3.
Park SW, Kim J, Kang M, Lee W, Park BS, Kim H, Choi SY, Yang S, Ahn JH, Yang S. Epidermal electrotherapy for epilepsy. Small. 2018 Jul;14(30):e1801732. doi: 10.1002/smll.201801732.
An H, Cha KM, Choi SY, Shin HC. Data compression of excitatory postsynaptic potentials. Electronics Lett. 2015 Aug 31; 51(18):1407-1409. doi: 10.1049/el.2015.1133.
대뇌피질 신경회로의 기능적 다양성 및 발달기전 규명을 통한 뇌기능 이상 해법 도출 (과학기술정보통신부/중견연구자지원사업) 2016.06.01.-2019.05.31
Ex vivo 기반 해마체 신경망 다채널 분석 기술 개발 (과학기술정보통신부/뇌과학원천기술개발사업) 2013.05.01-2016.04.30

Choi, Syngjoo Department of Economics

  • Research LabBehavioral Economics
  • Research Area (Core AI)Human-AI Interaction, AI Law & Ethics
  • Research Area (X+AI)Humanities/Social Sciences, Finance


The Role of Education Interventions in Improving Economic Rationality (with Hyuncheol Bryant Kim, Booyuel Kim, and Cristian Pop-Eleches). Science, 362(6410), 83-86. 2018.
Who Is (More) Rational? (with Shachar Kariv, Wieland Müller and Dan Silverman). American Economic Review, 105(6), 1518-1550. 2014.
Consistency and Heterogeneity of Individual Behavior under Uncertainty (with Raymond Fisman, Douglas Gale and Shachar Kariv). American Economic Review, 97(5), 1921-1938. 2007.
Trading in Networks: Theory and Experiment (with Andrea Galeotti and Sanjeev Goyal). Journal of the European Economic Association, 15(4), 784-817. 2017.
Estimating Ambiguity Aversion in a Portfolio Choice Experiment (with David Ahn, Douglas Gale, and Shachar Kariv). Quantitative Economics, 5(2), 195-223. 2014.

Choi, Hyunyong Department of Physics and Astronomy

  • Research LabUltrafast Quantum Photonics Laboratory
  • Research Area (Core AI)AI Platform
  • Research Area (X+AI)Bio, Energy, Optical system, materials sciences


Nano Letters 19, 7464−7469 (2019)
Nature Nanotechnology 13, 910-914 (2018)
Nature Communications 9, 351 (2018)
Nano Letters 18, 734 (2018)
Nature Communications 7, 13569 (2016)

Tak, Sunghee H Department of Nursing

  • Research LabAdult Health Nursing
  • Research Area (Core AI)Human-AI Interaction
  • Research Area (X+AI)Aging Care Services and Wellness


Tak, SH. (2018). 4차 산업혁명시대 Gerontological Nursing in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. 노인간호학회지 Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing. 20, S160~165. (doi: 10.17079/jkgn.2018.20.s1.s160)
Bidelman, GM., Lowther, JE., Tak, SH., & Alain, C. (2017). Mild Cognitive Impairment Is Characterized by Deficient Brainstem and Cortical Representations of Speech. Journal of Neuroscience, 37(13), 3610-3620. (doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3700-16.2017)
Tak, S., Zhang, H., Patel, H., & Hong, S. (2015). Computer activities for persons with dementia. The Gerontologist, 55, S40-49. (doi: 10,1093/geront/gnv003)
Tak, S., Zhang, H., & Hong, S. (2015). Preferred computer activities among individuals with dementia: a pilot study. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 41(3), 50-57. March 1st, 2015 (Online advance release at November 7, 2014) (doi:10.3928/00989134-20141029-01)
Tak, S., Kedia, S., Tongumpun, T., Hong, SH. (2015). Activity engagement: perspectives from nursing home residents with dementia. Educational Gerontology, 41(3), 182-192. March 1, 2015 (Online advance release at August 21, 2014.) (doi:10.1080/03601277.2014.937217)
치매문제행동모델을 적용한 홀로그래픽 혼합현실 시뮬레이션 간호교육 모듈 개발과 효과. Development and evaluation of holographic mixed reality-based simulation nursing eudcational program using dementia-compromized behavior model. 이공학개인기초연구지원사업 (2018R1D1A1A02085994). 2018.11.01.~2019.10.31. 한국연구재단(책임연구자)
치매노인을 위한 컴퓨터인지훈련프로그램에 대한 문헌고찰 및 치매고위험노인의 활동프로그램 개발과 평가 Computerized cognitive training in persons with dementia: a systematic review & Effects of an integrated activity program for older adults with low education and mild dementia. 2015.10.01 – 2017.09.30. 서울대학교 신임교수지원사업 & 차세대 신진학자 초빙사업. (연구책임자)
Center for Technologies and Research in Alzheimer’s Care. 2013-2015. FedEx Institute of Technology Innovation Grant, University of Memphis Foundation. USA. (연구책임자 & Director)

Hahn, Kyu-Sup Department of Communication

  • Research LabPolitical Communication
  • Research Area (Core AI)AI Law & Ethics
  • Research Area (X+AI)Humanities/Social Sciences



한상진 환경계획학과

  • Research Lab교통안전공학랩
  • Research Area (Core AI)Autonomous Driving, Data Intelligence
  • Research Area (X+AI)Transportation, Big Data


Han, S., & Chang, J. S. (2021). Identifying Priority Crosswalk Locations in Urban Road Networks. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 147(2), 04021014.
Chang, J. S., Han, S., & Jo, S. (2020). Road safety performance across local governments: a data envelopment analysis approach. International journal of injury control and safety promotion, 27(4), 447-457.
Han, S., & Lee, H. (2020). Comparison of road safety management systems of local governments using indicators. Transportation research record, 2674(12), 435-446.
Persia, L., Usami, D. S., De Simone, F., De La Beaumelle, V. F., Yannis, G., Laiou, A., ... & Salathè, M. (2016). Management of road infrastructure safety. Transportation research procedia, 14, 3436-3445.
Han, S. (2016). Note on evaluating safety performance of road infrastructure to motivate safety competition. International journal of injury control and safety promotion, 23(1), 85-92.
Chang, J. S., Han, S., Jung, D., & Kim, D. (2014). Benefits of rerouting railways to tunnels in urban areas: a case study of the Yongsan line in Seoul. International Journal of Urban Sciences, 18(3), 404-415.
Lee, D., Han, S. J., & Kim, D. G. (2011). Evaluating prioritization of ASEAN highway network development using a fuzzy multiple attribute decision making method. Journal of advanced transportation, 45(2), 129-142.
Han, S. (2007). A route-based solution algorithm for dynamic user equilibrium assignments. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 41(10), 1094-1113.
Han, S., & Heydecker, B. G. (2006). Consistent objectives and solution of dynamic user equilibrium models. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 40(1), 16-34.
Han, S. (2003). Dynamic traffic modelling and dynamic stochastic user equilibrium assignment for general road networks. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 37(3), 225-249.
한상진, 김은우, 장효석, & 주종완. (2023). 자동긴급제동장치의 고령운전자 추돌사고 감소 효과 추정. 한국 ITS 학회논문지, 22(1), 161-171.
김혜원·한상진 2022. 교통안전성과지표 도입에 따른 지자체 교통안전 관리체계 개선 효과 분석, 대한교통학회
한상진 2022. 단독주택지구 도로의 소방자동차 진입 가능성 지표 개발 및 활용방안, 교통연구 제29권 제2호, pp37-46.
한상진·장효석·조준한·오주석·윤일수 2020. 고령운전자를 위한 조건부 운전면허제도 개선방향 연구, 한국ITS학회논문지 19(5), pp29-39.
이선영·한상진·정연식 2020. 순서형 프로빗모형을 이용한 강우시 고속도로 교통사고 심각도 분석, 교통연구 제27권 제1호, pp1-11. (교신)

한상진, 장수은, 진장원 2019. 보행교통의 이해-걷기좋은도시 만들기의 첫걸음, 키네마인.
한상진 2020. 녹색교통을 위한 도시 가로의 재구성, in「감염병 시대 도시변화의 방향을 묻다」, 서울연구원 pp 75-97.
안전속도 5030 설계·운영매뉴얼 2019. 한상진(편), 경찰청·국토교통부

Heo, Seongwook Department of Law

  • Research LabAdministrative Law/Environmental Law/Energy Law/Law and Economics/Privacy Law
  • Research Area (Core AI)AI Platform, Data Intelligence, AI Law & Ethics
  • Research Area (X+AI)Arts, Humanities/Social Sciences, Energy


한국에서 빅데이터를 둘러싼 법적 쟁점과 제도적 과제 경제규제와 법 서울대학교 법학연구소 단독  20141
스마트그리드와 개인정보보호 법정책 개인정보보호의 법과 정책 박영사 단독  201405
공법이론과 공공정책 (II) - 공공선택이론 관점에서 본 행정재판의 역할 - 공법연구 한국공법학회 단독  201812

허성호 환경계획학과

  • Research Lab
  • Research Area (Core AI)
  • Research Area (X+AI)



Heo, Eunnyeong Department of Energy Resources Engineering

  • Research LabEnergy and Resource Economics
  • Research Area (Core AI)AI Law & Ethics, Economic Valuation
  • Research Area (X+AI)Humanities/Social Sciences, Finance, Energy


『우리의 지속가능한 에너지』 (2017) 임현묵 외, 유네스코한국위원회
『리더들이 꼭 알아야 할 에너지기술』 (2015) 차동형 외, 지오북
에너지 클라우드 기술의 가치평가시스템 구축, 한국연구재단 원천기술개발사업, 2019.06~2020.12

Hur, Chung-Kil Department of Computer Science and Engineering

  • Research LabSoftware Foundations Lab
  • Research Area (Core AI)AI Platform, AI Security
  • Research Area (X+AI)Medicine



Hyeon, David Donghoon Department of Mathematical Sciences

  • Research LabAlgebraic geometry
  • Research Area (Core AI)Learning & Reasoning, Vision & Perception
  • Research Area (X+AI)Arts, Medicine



홍석경 Department of Communication

  • Research Lab
  • Research Area (Core AI)
  • Research Area (X+AI)



홍성수 응용공학과

  • Research LabRTOS Lab
  • Research Area (Core AI)
  • Research Area (X+AI)



Hong, Sungook Department of Biological Sciences

  • Research LabScience History Lab
  • Research Area (Core AI)AI Law & Ethics
  • Research Area (X+AI)Arts, Humanities/Social Sciences, Manufacturing


<포스트휴먼 오디세이>
"인공지능은 인간을 차별하는가?"
<크로스 사이언스>
<미래는 오지 않는다>
<홍성욱의 과학 에세이>
인공지능: 과학, 역사, 철학
인공지능의 윤리적, 법적, 사회적 문제들
인공지능과 차별

Hong, Sung-Pil Department of Industrial Engineering

  • Research LabManagement Science and Optimization Lab
  • Research Area (Core AI)
  • Research Area (X+AI)



Hong, Jae-Hee Department of Food and Nutrition

  • Research LabSensory Science
  • Research Area (Core AI)
  • Research Area (X+AI)Humanities/Social Sciences, sensory science, flavor perception, liking



Egger, Bernhard Department of Computer Science and Engineering

  • Research LabComputer Systems and Platform Laboratory
  • Research Area (Core AI)Learning & Reasoning, AI Platform, AI Chip
  • Research Area (X+AI)


Barend Harris, Inpyo Bae, and Bernhard Egger. "Architectures and algorithms for on-device user customization of CNNs." In Integration, the VLSI Journal, Volume 67, July 2019.
Inpyo Bae, Barend Harris, Hyemi Min, and Bernhard Egger. "Auto-Tuning CNNs for Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array-based Accelerators." Presented at the 2018 International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES'18) and in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), Volume 37, Issue, 11; November 2018.
Younghyun Cho, Surim Oh, and Bernhard Egger. "Performance Modeling of Parallel Loops on Multi-Socket Platforms using Queueing Systems." In IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Volume 31, Issue 2; February 2020.
Younghyun Cho, Camilo A.C. Guzman, and Bernhard Egger. "Maximizing System Utilization via Parallelism Management for Co-Located Parallel Applications." In Proceedings of the the 2018 International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation (PACT'18), Limassol, Cyprus, November 2018.
Changyeon Jo, Youngsu Cho, and Bernhard Egger. "A Machine Learning Approach to Live Migration Modeling." In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SoCC'17), Santa Clara, USA, September 2017.
Efficient Mapping and Scheduling of Resource and Dataflow for NPU Architecture Search, 삼성전자, 2020
Exploring the Effect of Data Compression on Runtime and Accuracy of DNNs, SK텔레콤, 2018-2020
H/W–컴파일러 수직적 통합 최적화된 임베디드 DNN 프로세서연구, 삼성전자, 2017-2020

Steinegger, Martin Department of Biological Sciences

  • Research LabComputational Biology
  • Research Area (Core AI)
  • Research Area (X+AI)



Cho-Paik, Myunghee Department of Statistics

  • Research LabBiostatistics Lab
  • Research Area (Core AI)Learning & Reasoning, Vision & Perception, Data Intelligence
  • Research Area (X+AI)Medicine, Commerce, Manufacturing


Contextual multi-armed bandit algorithm for semiparametric reward model. presented at ICML 2019
Doubly Robust Lasso Bandit. presented at NeurIPs 2019
Principled analytic classifier for positive-unlabeled learning via weighted integral probability metric.  presented at ACML 2019 and published at Machine Learning
Lipschitz continuous autoencoders in application to anomaly detection.  accepted for AISTAT 2020
Uncertainty quantification using Bayesian neural networks in classification: Application to biomedical image segmentation. published at CSDA
딥러닝의 통계적 접근: 의료영상자료를 위한 합성곱 신경망 모형의 새로운 통계적 추론 방법 연구 (연구재단 중견연구, 2017-03-01 - 2020-02-29)

Uwe, Fischer Department of Physics and Astronomy

  • Research LabMarkAny Prevent Capture
  • Research Area (Core AI)Learning & Reasoning, Machine Learning for Quantum Many-Body Physics
  • Research Area (X+AI)Physics

