겸무교수 3 페이지 | 서울대학교AI연구원(AIIS)



서울대학교 AI 연구원은
AI 원천기술(core AI) 연구자AI 응용기술(x+AI) 연구자가 함께 활동하고 있습니다.

연구분야 (AI 원천)
연구분야 (응용)

이광근 공과대학 컴퓨터공학부

  • 연구실/전공분야프로그래밍 연구실
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)AI Platform, AI Security, ai verification, security, safety
  • 연구분야(X+AI)


[book] Introduction to Static Analysis: an abstract interpretation perspective, MIT Press, 2020
Adaptive Static Analysis via Learning with Bayesian Optimization, TOPLAS 40(4), no.14, 2018
Global Sparse Analysis Framework, TOPLAS 36(3), no.8, 2014
Optimizing Homomorphic Evaluation Circuits by Program Synthesis and Term Rewriting, PLDI 2020
Selective Context-Sensitivity Guided by Impact Pre-Analysis, PLDI 2014
과기부 연구재단 선도연구센터(ERC), 소프트웨어무결점 연구센터, 센터장, 2008-2015
과기부 연구재단 창의연구단(CRI), 프로그램분석시스템 연구단, 연구단장, 1998-2003

박우진 공과대학 산업공학과

  • 연구실/전공분야삶향상기술 연구실
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Human-AI Interaction, Autonomous Driving
  • 연구분야(X+AI)User Experience



신영기 융합과학기술대학원 분자의학및바이오제약학과

  • 연구실/전공분야분자병리학 연구실
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Data Intelligence
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Bio, Medicine, Pharma


Mi Jeong Kwon, Sae Byul Lee, Jinil Han, Jeong Eon Lee, Jong Won Lee, Gyungyub Gong, Peter D. Beitsch, Seok Jin Nam, Sei Hyun Ahn, Byung-Ho Nam, Young Kee Shin. BCT score predicts chemotherapy benefit in Asian patients with mone receptor-positive, HER2-negative, lymph node-negative breast cancer. PLoS One. 2018 Nov 21;13(11):e0207155. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0207155. eCollection 2018
Han J, Choi YL, Kim H, Choi JY, Lee SK, Lee JE, Choi JS, Park S, Choi JS, Kim YD, Nam SJ, Nam BH, Kwon MJ, Shin YK. MMP11 and CD2 as Novel Prognostic Factors in Hormone Receptor-Negative, HER2-Positive Breast Cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2017 Apr 13. doi: 10.1007/s10549-017-4234-4. [Epub ahead of print]
Gong G, Kwon MJ, Han J, Lee HJ, Lee SK, Lee JE, Lee SH, Park S, Choi JS, Cho SY, Ahn SH, Lee JW, Cho SR, Moon Y, Nam BH, Nam SJ, Choi YL, Shin YK. A new molecular prognostic score for predicting the risk of distant metastasis in patients with HR+/HER2- early breast cancer. Scientific Reports. 2017 Mar 28;7:45554. doi: 10.1038/srep45554.
Oh E, Choi Y-L, Park T, Lee S, Nam SJ, Shin YK. A prognostic model for lymph node-negative breast cancer patients based on the integration of proliferation and immunity. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2012 Apr;132(2):499-509. doi: 10.1007/s10549-011-1626-8

박동열 사범대학 불어교육과

  • 연구실/전공분야불어학
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Language & Cognition
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Humanities/Social Sciences


  • 연구실/전공분야Statistical Learning & Computational Finance Laboratory
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Learning & Reasoning, AI Security
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Finance



이남인 인문대학 철학과

  • 연구실/전공분야현상학
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)AI Law & Ethics
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Humanities/Social Sciences


Edmund Husserls Phaenomenologie der Instinkte, Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers,1993.
『현상학과 해석학』, 서울: 서울대학교 출판부, 2004.
『지각의 현상학. 후설과 메를로-퐁티』, 파주: 한길사, 2013.
『예술본능의 현상학』, 파주: 서광사, 2018.
Experience and Evidence(Husserl Studies 23(2007))

이재민 법학전문대학원 법학과

  • 연구실/전공분야국제법
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)AI Law & Ethics
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Humanities/Social Sciences, Finance, Commerce


Subsidies for Illegal Activities? - Reframing IUU Fishing from the Law Enforcement Perspective JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW  단독  201906
Two bites at the same apple? ‘derivative’ ISDS proceedings in the revised Korea-US FTA JOURNAL OF EAST ASIA AND INTERNATIONAL LAW  단독  201903

이경수 공과대학 기계공학부

  • 연구실/전공분야Vehicle Dynamics & Control Laboratory
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)
  • 연구분야(X+AI)



권준수 자연과학대학 뇌인지과학과

  • 연구실/전공분야임상인지신경과학센터
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Language & Cognition, Data Intelligence
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Medicine


강박증 환자에서 machine learning을 이용한 치료반응 차이의 비교
The effects of pharmacological treatment on functional brain connectome in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Biol Psychiatry 2014;75(8):606-614
  • 연구실/전공분야보건경제학연구실(II)
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)AI Law & Ethics
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Bio, Humanities/Social Sciences, Medicine



김경환 의과대학 흉부외과학교실

  • 연구실/전공분야흉부외과학
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Medicine



서경원 경영대학 경영학과

  • 연구실/전공분야Asset Pricing, Derivatives, Machine Learning, Data Science
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Learning & Reasoning, Data Intelligence
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Finance, Commerce



염헌영 공과대학 컴퓨터공학부

  • 연구실/전공분야분산 시스템 연구실
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)AI Platform, Data Intelligence
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Logistics, Manufacturing



이훈희 자연과학대학 수리과학부

  • 연구실/전공분야해석학(작용소대수,(추상)조화해석학)
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)
  • 연구분야(X+AI)



강형진 의과대학 소아과학교실

  • 연구실/전공분야분자종양학
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)
  • 연구분야(X+AI)



이덕주 공과대학 산업공학과

  • 연구실/전공분야경제성 분석 연구실
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Data Intelligence
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Finance, Commerce, Energy



이영기 공과대학 컴퓨터공학부

  • 연구실/전공분야인간 중심 컴퓨터 시스템 연구실
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)AI Platform, Human-AI Interaction
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Humanities/Social Sciences, Commerce, Healthcare, Education



나종연 생활과학대학 소비자학과

  • 연구실/전공분야Consumer Information & Retailing Lab.
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Human-AI Interaction, Data Intelligence, AI Law & Ethics
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Humanities/Social Sciences, Commerce


"Personalization-privacy paradox and consumer conflict with the use of location based commerce", Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 453-462
"Consumer ambivalence towards personlized technology and intention to use mobile commerce: The moderating role of gender", International Journal of Electrononic Commerce Studies, 8(2), 158-179
"온라인트래킹에 대한 소비자 인식과 정책적 시사점",  소비자학연구,  29(2), 171-198
온라인 환경에서 아동에 특화된 개인정보보호 연구, 한국인터넷진흥원, 2019.7-12.
패션이미지의 속성 분석을 통한 Fad Detection,  민간과제, 2019.

박창민 의과대학 영상의학교실

  • 연구실/전공분야방사선인공지능연구실
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Learning & Reasoning, Vision & Perception, Human-AI Interaction
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Medicine


Development and Validation of a Deep Learning-Based Automated Detection Algorithm for Major Thoracic Diseases on Chest Radiographs. JAMA Netw Open. 2 (3), e191095 2019 Mar 1
Development and Validation of Deep Learning-based Automatic Detection Algorithm for Malignant Pulmonary Nodules on Chest Radiographs. Radiology. 290 (1), 218-228 Jan 2019
Development and Validation of a Deep Learning-based Automatic Detection Algorithm for Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis on Chest Radiographs. Clin Infect Dis. 69 (5), 739-747 2019 Aug 16
Deep Learning for Chest Radiograph Diagnosis in the Emergency Department. Radiology. 293 (3), 573-580 Dec 2019
CT-based Deep Learning Model to Differentiate Invasive Pulmonary Adenocarcinomas Appearing as Subsolid Nodules Among Surgical Candidates: Comparison of the Diagnostic Performance With a Size-Based Logistic Model and Radiologists. Eur Radiol. 2020 Feb 13[Online ahead of print]
2017.03.-2020.02. 인공지능 딥러닝 알고리즘을 이용한 폐결절 분류 및 폐암 진단 시스템 개발. 한국연구재단 (미래창조과학부)
2017.11-2019.10.31. 다기관 의료영상 인공지능 연구를 위한 보안 클라우드 플랫폼. 서울시 산학연 협력사업 (서울시)

노종선 공과대학 전기정보공학부

  • 연구실/전공분야Coding and Cryptography Laboratory
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)privacy preserving machine learning, fully homomorphic encryption algorithms, error correcting codes, information theory
  • 연구분야(X+AI)medical image analysis, financial data analysis, private data analysis


[1] Eunsang Lee, Joon-Woo Lee, Junghyun Lee, Yongjune Kim, Young-Sik Kim, Jong-Seon No, and Wooseok Choi, “Low-complexity deep convolutional neural networks on fully homomorphic encryption using multiplexed parallel convolutions,” accepted for presentation in ICML 2022.

[2] Yongwoo Lee, Joon-Woo Lee, Young-Sik Kim, Yongjune Kim, Hyungchul Kang, and Jong-Seon No, “High-precision and low-complexity approximate homomorphic encryption by error variance minimization,” Accepted in EUROCRYPT 2022 (Top-tier conference, accept ratio: 23.0%).

[3] Joon-Woo Lee, Eunsang Lee, Yongwoo Lee, Young-Sik Kim, and Jong-Seon No, “High-precision bootstrapping of RNS-CKKS homomorphic encryption using optimal minimax polynomial approximation and inverse sine function,” EUROCRYPT 2021, pp. 618-647, Springer, Cham, 2021 (Top-tier conference, accept ratio : 19.5%).

[4] Eunsang Lee, Joon-Woo Lee, Young-Sik Kim, and Jong-Seon No, “Minimax approximation of sign function by composite polynomial for homomorphic comparison,” Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, August 2021 (IF : 7.329).

[5] Hee-Youl Kwak, Jae-Won Kim, Hosung Park, and Jong-Seon No, “Optimization of SC-LDPC codes for window decoding with target window sizes,” accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Communications, March 2022.

[6] Joon-Woo Lee, Hyungchul Kang, Yongwoo Lee, Wooseok Choi, Jieun Eom, Maxim Deryabin, Eunsang Lee, Junghyun Lee, Donghoon Yoo, Young-Sik Kim, and Jong-Seon No, “Privacy-preserving machine learning with fully homomorphic encryption for deep neural network,” IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 30039-30054, 2022.

[7] Eunsang Lee, Joon-Woo Lee, Young-Sik Kim, and Jong-Seon No, “Optimization of homomorphic comparison algorithm on RNS-CKKS scheme,” IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 26163-26176, 2022.

[8] Zahyun Koo, Yongwoo Lee, Joon-Woo Lee, Young-Sik Kim, and Jong-Seon No, “Improved reduction between SIS problems over structured lattices,” IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 157083-157092, 2021.

[9] Joon-Woo Lee, Young-Sik Kim, and Jong-Seon No, “Analysis of modified shell sort for fully homomorphic encryption,” IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 126198-126215, 2021.

[10] J Jeong, Seong-Joon Park, Jae-Won Kim, Jong-Seon No, Ha Hyeon Jeon, Jeong Wook Lee, Albert No, Sunghwan Kim, and Hosung Park, ""Cooperative sequence clustering and decoding for DNA storage system with fountain codes,” Bioinformatics, vol. 37, issue 19, pp. 3136-3143, October 2021.

[11] Dong-Hoon Lee, Young-Sik Kim, and Jong-Seon No, ""Bit security estimation using various information-theoretic measures,” IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 140103-140115, 2021.

[12] Yongwoo Lee, Wijik Lee, Young-Sik Kim, and Jong-Seon No, ""Modified pqsigRM: RM code-based signature scheme,"" IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 177506-177518, September 2020.

[13] YongWoo Lee, Joon-Woo Lee, Young-Sik Kim, and Jong-Seon No, ""Near-optimal polynomial for modulus reduction using L2-norm for approximate homomorphic encryption,"" IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 144321-144330, August 2020.

[14] Zahyun Koo, Jong-Seon No, and Young-Sik Kim, ""Reduction from module-SIS to ring-SIS under norm constraint of ring-SIS,"" IEEE Access, vol. 8, 140998-141006, 2020.

[15] Jinkyu Cho, Young-Sik Kim, and Jong-Seon No, ""Homomorphic computation in Reed-Muller codes,"" IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 108622-108628, June 2020.

[16] Eunsang Lee, Young-Sik Kim, Jong-Seon No, Minki Song, and Dong-Joon Shin, ""Modification of FrodoKEM using Gray and error-correcting codes,"" IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 179564-179574, December 2019.

[17] Hee-Youl Kwak, Jong-Seon No, and Hosung Park, ""Design of irregular SC-LDPC codes with non-uniform degree distributions by linear programming,"" IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 67, no. 4, pp. 2632-2646, April 2019."

안용민 의과대학 정신과학교실

  • 연구실/전공분야정신과학
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Learning & Reasoning, Language & Cognition, Data Intelligence
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Bio, Brain, Medicine


기계학습 기반의 음성 분석으로 자살 위험 예측

심병효 공과대학 전기정보공학부

  • 연구실/전공분야정보시스템 연구실
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)Learning & Reasoning, AI Platform, Data Intelligence
  • 연구분야(X+AI)Finance, Manufacturing, Wireless Communications


W. Kim, Y. Ahn and B. Shim, "Deep Neural Network Based Active User Detection for Grant-free NOMA Systems," IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2020.
W. Kim, H. Ji, H. Lee, Y. Kim, J. Lee and B. Shim, "Sparse Vector Transmission: An Idea Whose Time Has Come," IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 2020.
L. Nguyen, J. Kim and B. Shim, "Low-Rank Matrix Completion: A Contemporary Survey," IEEE Access, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 94215-94237, Jul. 2019.
H. Ji, S. Park, J. Yeo, Y. Kim, J. Lee and B. Shim, "Ultra Reliable and Low Latency Communications in 5G Downlink: Physical Layer Aspects," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 124-130 , June. 2018.
J. Choi, B. Shim, Y. Ding, B. Rao and D. Kim, "Compressed sensing for wireless communications: useful tips and tricks," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 1527-1550, 2017.

이원진 치의학대학원 치의학과

  • 연구실/전공분야치의학영상정보 연구실
  • 연구분야(AI 원천기술)
  • 연구분야(X+AI)

